
Thursday, August 16, 2012


We had another great day of banding today!  Overall numbers were similiar to yesterday but species diveristy was up.  We ended up banding 44 new birds with 12 recaptures of 16 species.  Prairie Warblers continue to make up a majority of the catch but we had a few surprises too!  Scroll all the down to see a list of everything we captured. 


Highlights of the day included the first ever KENTUCKY WARBLER banded at KIBS! 

Kentucky Warbler (Hatch-year, male)

And the first fall banding record for WORM-EATING WARBLER!

 Worm-eating Warbler (Hatch-year, sex unknown)

 We also captured our first YELLOW WARBLER of the season.  This bird just would not cooperate for a photo. 

Yellow Warbler

 And the first BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER of the season.  This is one of two captured today.

Black-and-white Warbler (After hatch-year, male)

 Another first of the season - PROTHONOTARY WARBLER.  This is one of two for the day.

Prothonotary Warbler (After hatch-year, male)

The totals for the day:


20 Prairie Warbler

3 American Redstart

2 Northern Waterthrush

2 Black-and-White Warbler

2 Prothonotary Warbler

1 Yellow Warbler

1 Kentucky Warbler

1 Worm-eating Warbler

2 Red-eyed Vireo

2 Painted Bunting

1 Great Crested Flycatcher

1 Northern Cardinal

1 Carolina Chickadee

4 Northern Mockingbird

1 Mouring Dove

RECAPTURES (these do not include birds that were recaptured on the same-day they were banded)

4 Paintued Bunting

3 Prairie Warbler

1 White-eyed Vireo

1 Northern Waterthrush

1 Northern Mockingbird

1 Northern Cardinal

1 Carolina Chickadee


Effort:  60 net-hours

Capture Rate: 93.3 birds/100 net-hours

# of Nets Used:  10 (out of a total of 16)