
Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday's Results: Red Birds

As expected, we had a very slow day of banding with only 17 new birds and 18 recaptures of 8 different species.  I think this is the first time this fall that recaptures actually outnumbered new birds!  Most of what we have been catching lately is Gray Catbirds.  There is no shortage of catbirds at KIBS right now!  


I am hoping things will turn around for tomorrow as the winds are supposed to shift to the north sometime after midnight.  Hopefully that will help refresh KIBS with some new birds.


The following picture is for all the St. Louis Cardinal fans out there.  I am a die hard Chicago Cubs fan but since they weren't even close to making the playoffs, I guess I'll have to root for their biggest rival.  Go Cards!      

Northern Cardinal (after hatch-year, male)

House Finch (hatch-year, male)


3 House Wren

10 Gray Catbird

1 Northern Mockingbird

1 Palm Warbler (Western)

1 Common Yellowthroat (yes, that is correct - only 1!)

1 House Finch



1 Carolina Chickadee

13 Gray Catbird

2 Northern Mockingbird

2 Northern Cardinal



# of Bird Banded:  17

# of Recaptures:  18

# of Species:  8

Effort:  88.4 net-hours

Capture Rate:  39.6 birds/100 net-hours

# of Nets:  17