
Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday's Results: Field Sparrow

We banded 28 new birds and had 15 recaptures of 10 different species.  We had some interesting recaptures including a Sharp-shinned Hawk, an Orange-crowned Warbler, and 3 birds that have returned after being banded in previous years.  Those included a Swamp Sparrow (10/31/11), and two Yellow-rumped Warblers (1/17/11, 11/13/12).  The bird of the day was a Field Sparrow, only the 3rd one of the 2012 fall season! 

Field Sparrow (after hatch-year, sex unknown)


25 Yellow-rumped Warbler

1 Field Sparrow

2 Swamp Sparrow



1 Sharp-shinned Hawk

1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

1 House Wren

1 Hermit Thrush

4 Gray Catbird

1 Orange-crowned Warbler

4 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)

1 Swamp Sparrow

1 White-throated Sparrow



# of Birds Banded:  28

# of Recaptures:  15

# of Species:  10

Effort:  57.0 net-hours

Capture Rate:  75.4 birds/100 net-hours

# of Nets:  10