
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Birds are on the Move

Captain Sam's
The front we have been waiting for has finally arrived, bringing with it migrants but sadly rain and wind as well.  At Captain Sam’s we were forced to close early due to the strong wind and passing rain showers.  In the short time that we were open we managed to band 21 new birds and recapture 2 birds.  We should see a good amount of bird activity over the next few days with overnight winds coming from the north.    


Little Bear
With the front rolling through the island this morning we were off on a great start. Despite having a little bit of rain and wind we were able to stay open all morning and pull off a relatively successful day. We got our first of season Palm Warbler, as well as the first Black-throated Blue Warblers out at our site. Overall we caught 43 birds of 13 different species with no recaptures. With the diversity and numbers we had today we are hoping for a great day tomorrow once the rain and wind dies down and this front continues to push more birds our way!


Male Black-throated Blue Warbler

  Species Captain Sam's Little Bear
New Recaps New Recaps
Red-eyed Vireo 1- 4 -
Worm-eating Warbler2 - 2 -
Northern Waterthrush 4 - 12 -
Black and White Warbler 1- 3 -
Common Yellowthroat4 - 6 -
Hooded Warbler - - 1 -
American Redstart 4 - 4 -
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 - 2 -
Palm Warbler(western) - - 1 -
Prairie Warbler 2 2 4 -
Yellow-breasted Chat - - 1 -
Northern Cardinal 1 - 1 -
Painted Bunting 1 - 2 -

 Banding Stats Captain Sam's Little Bear TOTAL
# Birds Banded 21 43 64
# of Recaptures 2 0 2
# of Species 10 13 13
Effort (net-hours) 43.75 50.0 93.75
Capture Rate (birds/100 net-hours) 52.6 86.0 70.4
Nets 25 10 35