
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Gusty Morning

Captain Sam's 
Well, the cold front has arrived bringing much cooler temperatures and a strong north wind into our area but sadly not the big push of birds we were hoping for.  The strong gusty winds prevented us from opening some of our nets and eventually forced us to close down all together.  In our wind shortened morning at Captain Sam’s, we managed to catch 22 new birds and 9 recaptures, comprised of 7 species.  Similar conditions are forecasted for tomorrow which will likely put a damper on which nets we are able to operate and the overall bird activity.    

- Mattie

Little Bear
The strong winds continued from yesterday. Little Bear has a more open habit than Captain Sam's making it more susceptible to Northerly winds. These constraints allowed us to open only 5 nets for just under 3 hours. Very few birds were seen or heard leading to a disappointingly low catch of 5 new birds and one recaptured bird of 4 species.

- Chris

  Species Captain Sam's Little Bear
New Recaps New Recaps
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 - - -
Eastern Phoebe 2 - - -
Red-eyed Vireo 1 - - -
House Wren - - 1 -
Gray Catbird 7 9 3 -
Northern Waterthrush - - - 1
Common Yellowthroat 6 - - -
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 - - -
Indigo Bunting 4 - - -
Painted Bunting - - 1 -

 Banding Stats Captain Sam's Little Bear TOTAL
# Birds Banded 22 5 27
# of Recaptures 9 1 10
# of Species 7 4 10
Effort (net-hours) 50.1 9.0 59.1
Capture Rate (birds/100 net-hours) 61.9 66.7 62.6
Nets 22 5 27

Banding Staff
Aaron Given (CS)
Mattie VandenBoom (CS)
Chris Snook (LB)
Nancy Raginski (LB)
Sean McElaney (LB)
Casey Weissburg (CS)
Michael Gamble (CS)