
Monday, October 19, 2015

FOS: Sharp-shinned Hawk

Captain Sam's 

The weather conditions were about the same out at Captain Sam's today. The wind had died down a little bit but we still had to keep some nets closed. We had better results today with 34 new birds banded and 15 recaptures of 14 species. The highlight of the day was a first-of-the season Sharp-shinned Hawk! It ended up being a hatch-year male, which are smaller than females. We can actually hold male Sharp-shinned Hawks in the bander's grip because of their small size. It was an interesting bird to see in the hand and I look forward to catching more as they arrive for the winter!

Little Bear

With wind conditions improved from yesterday we were actually able to open all of our nets first thing this morning. As the morning wore on the wind picked up right to where it left off yesterday, but before that happened we were able to get some decent banding in. We captured 45 new birds and 4 recaptures for a total of 11 species. Our most common capture is still Gray Catbirds but the abundance of Yellow-rumped Warblers is definitely beginning to pick up. Although we only captured 7 today, their increased presence around the sight was apparent throughout the morning. 


  SpeciesCaptain Sam'sLittle Bear
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1---
Common-Ground Dove--11
Yellow-billed Cuckoo1---
White-eyed Vireo1---
Carolina Chickadee-3-1
House Wren112-
Ruby-crowned Kinglet1---
Gray Catbird148172
Northern Waterthrush1---
Common Yellowthroat615-
American Redstart1-3-
Palm Warbler (Western)--2-
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)--7-
Prairie Warbler--2-
Swamp Sparrow5-5-
Northern Cardinal -1--
Indigo Bunting1---
Painted Bunting111-

 Banding StatsCaptain Sam'sLittle BearTOTAL
# Birds Banded344579
# of Recaptures15419
# of Species141118
Effort (net-hours)117.057.75174.75
Capture Rate (birds/100 net-hours)41.984.856.08

Banding Staff
Aaron Given (CS)
Mattie VandenBoom (CS)
Chris Snook (LB)
Nancy Raginski (LB)
Sean McElaney (LB)
Casey Weissburg (CS)
Michael Gamble (CS)
Ryan Donnelly (CS)