
Saturday, September 7, 2019

Damage Assessment

I made it back to Kiawah today to survey the damage left in the wake of Hurricane Dorian.  Overall Kiawah fared pretty well although we did have fairly significant wind damage with lots of trees blown over.  Flooding and beach erosion was not an issue as the storm surge was pretty much not existent.  Thankfully, the Motus stations made it through just fine and appeared to have collected data throughout the storm.  Little Bear experienced very minor damage with some downed trees in the banding trails and nets lanes which I was able to take care today while I was out there.  Captain Sam's on the other hand will require some more work.  Several large trees and shrubs had fallen or broken off, and are now laying across the banding trails and net lanes.  Almost half of the 28 nets lanes have a moderate to significant amount of clearing that will be required in order to get the nets back up.  I am hoping that we can get it all done tomorrow and get back to banding by Monday or Tuesday.
