
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Virtual Tour of KIBS (Little Bear part 3)

This post will focus on the last three nets on the south side of the dune ridge - nets 3, 4, 16.  All three of these are located on high ground not far from the dune ridge.  Nets 4 and 16 run perpendicular to the ridge while net 3 runs parallel to it.  

NET 3 
Net 3 was created in 2016 after being moved about 200 feet from its 2015 location.  The 2015 location was given a new net # and is currently not being used.  Net 3 is located in dense vegetation mostly made up of palms, yaupon holly, and wax myrtles.  Like most of the nets at Little Bear, the vegetation is relatively low growing and does not form a canopy over the nets.  Net 3 has captured 811 birds (676 new, 135 recaptures). 
Net 3


Net 4 is an original net from 2015.  About half of this net is surrounded by dense scrub (foreground), while the other half is in more open dune type habitat.  It has captured 1,029 birds (862 new, 167 recaptures).  including KIBS's 3rd Warbling Vireo in 2020. Vireo.

Net 4

NET 16

Net 16 was put in place in 2016.  Very low growing scrubby habitat surrounds this net.  A large cedar is located about halfway down the net which provides good cover for birds moving through the area.  Net 16 has captured 761 birds (636 new, 125 recaptures).  In 2017, it captured KIBS's one and only Belted Kingfisher!

Net 16
