the winds have been perfect for migration at night, there is still a storm
system sitting over the northeast keeping migrants from moving south. That being said, we still managed to capture 66
new birds. The highlight of the day was
the capture of 3 species from the family Turdidae: Gray-cheeked Thrush,
Swainson’s Thrush, and our first of the season Wood Thrush. We were able to take some comparison shots of
the Gray-cheeked and Swainson’s but sadly the Wood Thrush was captured on an
earlier round.
Thrush and Swainson’s Thrush are in the genus Cathurus along with Hermit Thrush and Veery. They are similar in size with Gray-cheeked being slightly larger. Swainson’s have a
buffy breast and an olive coloration to their upper parts and have often been
referred to as the Olive-backed Thrush.
Gray-cheeked overall have a much grayer appearance.
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Swainson's Thrush (left) and Gray-cheeked Thrush (right) |
One of the
best ways to differentiate Swainson’s Thrush from Gray-cheeked Thrush is to
look at the facial pattern. Swainson’s
Thrush can be recognized by the appearance of buffy “spectacles” created by
their lores and bold eye ring. Gray-cheeked
lack eye rings and have a grayer face, hence the name. The photo below shows a nice comparison of
facial markings between these two species of thrush.
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Gray-cheeked Thrush (top) and Swainson's Thrush (bottom) |
Wood Thrush
is the only member in the genus Hylocichla and is a chunkier bodied thrush than the Cathurus Thrushes. Wood
Thrush are easily recognized by the bold, triangular spotting on the breast and
the rich rufous of the upper parts.
1 White-eyed Vireo
1 Red-eyed Vireo1 White-eyed Vireo
2 House Wren
2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
2 Swainson’s Thrush
1 Gray-cheeked Thrush
1 Wood Thrush
19 Gray Catbird
6 Black-throated Blue Warbler
1 Prairie Warbler
3 American Redstart
21 Common Yellowthroat
1 Scarlet Tanager
2 Indigo Bunting
3 Eastern Towhee
1 Downey Woodpecker
1 Carolina Chickadee
9 Gray Catbird
2 Northern Mockingbird
1 American Redstart
1 Painted Bunting
1 Northern Cardinal
# of Birds Banded: 66
# of Recaptures: 16
# of Species: 20
Effort: 107.1 net-hours
Capture Rate: 76.6 birds/100 net-hours
# of Nets: 20