Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mid-season Tally

Today we reached the 2,500 new birds banded mark for the season!  So far this season we have banded 2,505 new birds and have recaptured 583 for a total of 3,088 birds handled.  The numbers seem to be a little down from last year but we still have 7 more weeks left in the season to catch up.  Here is a list of the top five species most captured this season:    

Top Five Species:
1.       Common Yellowthroat (990)

2.       Gray Catbird (296)

3.       Painted Bunting (170)

4.       Red-eyed Vireo (169)

5.       Prairie Warbler (123)

Today we banded 74 new birds which helped us reach the 2,500 bird mark.  Here is the list of birds from today that helped us reach our mark: 


1 Eastern Phoebe

2 White-eyed Vireo

3 Red-eyed Vireo

4 House Wren

1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet

23 Gray Catbird

1 Northern Parula

2 Black-throated Blue Warbler

1 Palm Warbler (Western)

2 Prairie Warbler

1 American Redstart

24 Common Yellowthroat

2 Hooded Warbler

2 Indigo Bunting

2 Painted Bunting

2 Northern Cardinal


2 Downy Woodpecker

1 White-eyed Vireo

1 Red-eyed Vireo

1 Carolina Wren

8 Gray Catbird

1 Northern Mockingbird

1 Black-throated Blue Warbler

1 American Redstart

1 Common Yellowthroat

3 Painted Bunting

1 Northern Cardinal

1 Eastern Towhee


# of Birds Banded:  74

# of Recaptures:  22

# of Species:  20

Effort:  104.4 net-hours

Capture Rate:  92.0 birds/100 net-hours

# of Nets:  20