Monday, November 18, 2013

The return of a couple old friends

We had a pretty good day with 47 new birds and 16 recaptures of 8 different species.  I had to bail after the 2nd net run for a prior appointment but I left the station in the capable hands of Mattie and Will.  A steady stream of new Yellow-rumped Warblers mixed with a various assortment of recaptures kept them busy most of the morning. 

We had a couple of very neat recaptures today:

1.  A Sharp-shinned Hawk that was originally banded on 4/21/10.      
2.  A Yellow-rumped Warbler that was banded exactly 4 years ago today on 11/18/09.  Today was the only time this individual has been captured since its banding date.  Either he is very good at evading the nets or he is just passing through to a wintering site further south.


Will with AHY/M Sharp-shinned Hawk
46 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
1 Swamp Sparrow

1 Sharp-shinned Hawk
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet

3 Gray Catbird
6 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
2 Song Sparrow
2 Northern Cardinal
1 Painted Bunting

BANDING STATS # of Birds Banded:  47
# of Recaptures:  16
# of Species:  8
Effort:  115.0 net-hours
Capture Rate:  54.8 birds/100 net-hours
# of Nets:  20

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