Friday, October 16, 2015


Captain Sam's
It's been a long day!  Forgive my laziness...

We banded 89 new birds along with 22 recaptures of 24 different species.


Little Bear
The early morning burst of activity trailed off by mid-morning but we still banded 93 new birds and recaptured 5 birds of 20 species. This is a time of transition as the tropical migrants catches begin tailing off and the wintering birds begin to arrive. Today we caught a mix of migrants and wintering birds coming through the site. Migrating birds we caught included Black-and-white, Palm, Black-throated Blue,Nashville Warbler, Northern Waterthrush and recaptured a Yellow Warbler. The wintering species that are passing through the site, but may stay, included Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Swamp Sparrow and Gray Catbirds.

The recaptured Yellow Warbler was originally banded on the 13th October and had put on 1.3g in weight as fat ready for its onward journey south. This represents a 13% increase in body weight in three days - equivalent to a 180lb person gaining 23lbs in three days.

Nashville Warbler (Hatch year, unknown)

  Species Captain Sam's Little Bear
New Recaps New Recaps
Common Ground-Dove - - 1 -
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 - - -
Red-eyed Vireo 1 - - -
Carolina Chickadee 1 - - 1
House Wren 2 1 4 -
Carolina Wren - - 1 -
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 - 2 -
Swainson's Thrush 1 - 1 -
Gray Catbird 43 15 49 3
Brown Thrasher 1 - - -
Northern Mockingbird 1 - - -
Northern Waterthrush 1 - 1 -
Nashville Warbler - - 1 -
Black and White Warbler - - 2 -
Common Yellowthroat 13 2 8 -
Hooded Warbler 1 - - -
American Redstart 3 1 5 -
Northern Parula 3 - - -
Magnolia Warbler 1 - - -
Yellow Warbler - - - 1
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 - 1 -
Palm Warbler (Western) 1 - 3 -
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2 - 2 -
Yellow-breasted Chat 1 - - -
Swamp Sparrow 1 - 6 -
Eastern Towhee - 1 - -
Northern Cardinal 1 1 - -
Indigo Bunting 2 - 4 -
Painted Bunting 3 1 2 -

 Banding Stats Captain Sam's Little Bear TOTAL
# Birds Banded 89 94 183
# of Recaptures 22 5 27
# of Species 24 20 29
Effort (net-hours) 127.5 75 202.5
Capture Rate (birds/100 net-hours) 87.1 132.0 103.7
Nets 25 15 35

Banding Staff
Aaron Given (CS)
Mattie VandenBoom (CS)
Chris Snook (LB)
Nancy Raginski (LB)
Sean McElaney (CS)
Casey Weissburg (LB)
Michael Gamble (CS)
Ryan Donnelly (CS)